This much-awaited film is said have to run into release trouble in Tamil Nadu. Now it’s being rescued by none other than the big production house, Gemini Film Circuit. That’s the latest buzz about Mankatha, the landmark (50th) film of Thala Ajith. Apart from Ajith Kumar, who plays a role with highly negative shades, the movie has an ensemble cast of Arjun, Trisha, Lakshmi Rai, Vaibhav, Premgi Amaran, Anjali, Mahat, Ganesh Venkatram and Bollywood’s Kainat Arora. It has been directed by Venkat Prabhu.
There are political ramifications to the stalling of the film’s release. S ources said that though the distributors and the ater owners are confident about the box-office success of Mankatha, they have apprehensions about buying the film because of the producer, Dhayanidhi Alagiri, son of Union Minister Alagiri and grandson of former CM Karunanidhi.
With the change in political scenario, according to industry sources, no one wants to incur the wrath of `Amma’ who is currently helming the state, so everyone in K’wood is giving the film a wide berth. The irony is that the same Tamil film has been sold for a big price in Kerala, Karnataka and overseas! But it’s zilch in Tamil Nadu which is a major chunk of the market.
Insiders reveal that the distributors and theater owners wanted Ajith to step in and sort out the issue.
Ajith, who ironically is one of the most loyal supporters of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, is maintaining an eloquent silence. In an interview to a vernacular magazine, the actor has clearly said he didn’t meet JJ after she assumed office, because he didn’t want to disturb her, since he knew she would be busy with pressing commitments at this juncture. “It would be misconstrued if I approached her for the smooth release of Mankatha.“
Anyway, now fans of the Billa star may rejoice, as confirmed sources tell DC that Gemini Film Circuit, which is negotiating with Dhayanidhi’s Cloud Nine banner, will soon be signing the deal for the release of Mankatha. We also hear that GFC has struck a deal for Ajith’s next film Billa 2 as well!
Source: Deccan Chronicle (Dated: 24-7-2011)
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